The All-In-One™ Infant Station
Weigh and measure infants on this one time- and space-saving unit. We‘ve paired our top-of-the line Easy-Glide Bearing Infantometer™ and the Doran DS4100 digital infant scale to make this very popular unit.
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The Easy-Glide Bearing Infantometer™
Our top-of-the line infantometer, with its double bearing-mounted foot piece, is ultra-smooth and quiet and provides precise length measurements. Without question, this is almost everyone‘s favorite infantometer.
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The Standard Infantometer™
Our original infantometer has been the standard of the industry for over three decades. This unit is the choice of healthcare professionals who require an accurate and long-lasting infantometer at an economical price.
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Seca 416 Infantometer
A unique V-shaped measuring surface and a braking mechanism in the foot piece differentiate the Seca 416 from alternatives.
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Seca 417 Mobile Infantometer
Seca‘s ultra-lightweight, folding infantometer is an even-lighter-weight and lower-cost alternative to the long-time popular Perspective Enterprises Lightweight Infantometer™. However, the 417‘s head and foot pieces are quite short and the foot piece is not connected to the board, making this unit best suited to the measurement of infants less than 18 months old.
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Seca 210 Measuring Mat
Seca‘s vinyl measuring mat is the most compact and least-cost tool available for measuring infants. It fits the bill when equipment size, weight, and cost must all be kept to the absolute minimum.
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The Portable Adult/Infant Measuring Unit™
Our most versatile measuring unit is both an infantometer and a freestanding stadiometer. This unit is ideal for mobile programs or for clinics in which wall space is unavailable for the mounting of a stadiometer. A removable stature rod and hinged support legs and base allow this unit to be folded for transport and storage.
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Anthropometric Utility Table
Our economical and space-saving mobile table makes a convenient weighing and/or measuring station.
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Calibration Rods
Our calibration rods, available in wood or aluminum and in various sizes, facilitate the assembly and calibration of your measuring equipment. Wood rods are regularly available in 36“ and 42“ lengths. Custom-length wood and aluminum rods are available upon request.

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Perspective Enterprises 7829 S. Sprinkle Road. Portage, MI 49002
Phone: (269) 327-0869 Toll-Free: (800) 323-7452 Fax: (269) 327-0837
Email - [email protected]